FREE Internet – Based Therapy Programs

These are currently free to all residents of Ontario.

Mind Beacon

MindBeacon’s Therapist Guided Program and Live Therapy Sessions are designed for adults 16+, and can help with many mental health concerns.

Your Mental & Behavioural Health
Evidence-based psychotherapy with MindBeacon, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, can help with mild to severe problems tied to a diverse range of concerns.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Panic Disorders
  • And more…

Challenging Life Events
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques are very well-suited to help people understand problems in relationships or deal with complex emotions associated with grief

  • Adjustment Issues
  • Stress Management
  • Relationship Difficulties
  • And more…

    Your Mind-Body Connection
    Many health concerns have both deep emotional impact and physical health impact. Our therapists use behavioural therapy techniques to help you overcome issues prevent you from living your best life.

    • Chronic Pain
    • Insomnia
    • Coping with Chronic Health Conditions
    • And more…


    AbilitiCBT is free to all their residents age 16 or older for the anxiety, depression, and anxiety related to a pandemic programs. If you are interested in the pain management and insomnia programs, click on the button below.

    Wellness Together Canada

    Mental Health & Substance Use Support:

    • Wellness Together Canada provides mental health and substance use support, resources and counseling with a mental health professional.